Sustainable Workforce and Community

We strive to create an inclusive culture to cultivate a sense of belonging in a diverse workforce. Initiatives were implemented to build a constructive relationship with our local communities and suppliers. Our people are at the heart of what we do, we aim to bring value to our stakeholders through effective engagement activities with our employees and communities.

Employee Diversity and Inclusivity

Our strength lies in the diversity of our nearly 1000-strong workforce which operates efficiently across six countries.

We recognise the value that diversity can bring in terms of life experiences, cultural knowledge and unique perspectives. Guided by the Group’s core values and Gender Diversity Policy, we remain committed to maintaining an inclusive and cohesive workforce.

As a strategic priority, a comprehensive diversity and inclusion training programme is embedded into the on-boarding process for new employees aiming to drive a positive and inclusive workplace culture. Anti-discrimination training is also provided to all employees in order to reinforce the message that harassment and prejudice will not be tolerated within the Group.


At GHL, we are committed to foster an inclusive environment where every individual can thrive, regardless of physical obstacles. As we continue our efforts to work towards a more inclusive and equitable workplace, the GHL team came together for a surprise fundraiser, with one goal in mind: providing Muhang, our front office assistant, with a new electric wheelchair. He, who embarks on his daily journey to the office with unwavering determination, relying on his manual wheelchair, will now make his journey to the office smoother, enabling him to navigate with ease.

Safe, Healthy and Happy Workplace

A conducive work environment is crucial for a productive workforce. GHL’s Labour & Human Rights Policy was approved and implemented in FY2022 to strengthen our commitment to a fair and safe workplace. The policy is communicated to all our employees and available on GHL’s corporate website in English and Malay. In line with international labour standards, the policy addresses the following:

• Child Labour
• Forced Labour
• Minimum Wage and Benefits
• Working Hours
• Right to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Employees are encouraged to report any incidence of discrimination or harassment that may occur within the Group.

Our initiative to maintain a motivated workforce extends beyond company policies. Virtual Coffee and Townhall sessions were conducted regularly to engage with employees. The sessions present employees an opportunity to discuss workplace conditions and to voice out any grievances to GHL’s management.

Additionally, we organised weekly Wellness Sessions to provide employees with advice on healthy life-style choices. We maintain strict compliance with the local labour regulations in countries where we operate. The Group assesses the risk of labour misconduct to be low due to the nature of the Fintech industry. No incidents of non-compliance with labour standards were reported in FY2023.




Talent Attraction and Retention

As a trustworthy employer that values our workforce, we endeavour to recruit, retain and remunerate our employees in a fair and equitable manner. In accordance with our Gender Diversity Policy, our recruitment and promotion processes promote equal pay for equal work regardless of the candidate’s gender, age, ethnicity, culture or socio-economic background. Meritocracy is emphasised when hiring employees for key positions. Guided by our Labour and Human Rights Policy, we provide fair remuneration to all employees in conformity with relevant local regulations on minimum wage. We also provide competitive employee benefits that differentiate our business from competitors.

Human Capital Development

To encourage lifelong learning and professional growth among our talent pool, soft skills and technical training programmes are facilitated based on consultations between management and employees as well as job requirements. Utilising GHL’s digital expertise, we ensure that our employees have access to quality content which would otherwise be limited in the new normal.

We maintained the High Potential (“HIPO”) programme established in FY2020 to identify and support the growth of potential staff for key leadership positions. All eligible employees in the Group receive year-end performance appraisal, and prospective individuals were selected based on their merit and initiative. The HIPO candidates undergo an accelerated development programme to prepare them for greater roles and responsibilities.

We have invested in innovative solutions to enable remote learning opportunities through GHL Payment School, for our staff. Utilising GHL’s digital expertise, we ensure that our employees have the accessibility to quality content on the go, where internet connection is available.

Our efforts in capacity building have translated into a skilled and adept workforce that can compete in the evolving tech industry.

An overview of our achievements:

Supply Chain Management

We believe that our commitment to sustainable development extends to our supply chain. A transparent assessment of our suppliers as well as alignment to our sustainability values are crucial for establishing a proper supply chain management process.

The Group ensured minimal disruption to GHL’s needs by continuously monitoring and planning for essential supplies as well as maintaining continuous engagement with supply chain partners.

  • We also conduct regular assessment of the Group’s product and service providers and suppliers. 

  • We apply the GHL standards and criteria that look for competitive pricing, quality and compliance with regulations. Additional Service Level Agreements (“SLA”) are applied to outsourced services.

  • All criteria and expectations are appended in the contracts which must be acknowledged by the suppliers before they are awarded the contract.

To build a resilient supply chain, we support local suppliers which account for 95% of awarded contracts. The remaining 5% is accounted for by the payment terminals which are manufactured overseas.

Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR")

Our dedication to sustainability integration is strengthened through our joint efforts with fellow members of CAN to create an ecosystem for sustainable businesses. CAN focuses on advocacy for sustainability-related policies and the transfer of skills and knowledge through workshops sessions and collective commitments.

GHL exercises its corporate responsibility through collaboration with local non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”) to address community needs. We have our flagship programme “Support Our Merchants & Care for Community” which is focused on raising donations to support GHL Merchants and local NGOs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The programme acts as CSR donation fund to purchase items from GHL-affiliated merchants who were affected by COVID-19. The donation fund also aims to alleviate the burden faced by NGOs, by providing daily essential items and electronic goods for charitable organisations through monetary and in-kind donations.

In addition to collaborating with NGOs, in FY2021 we contributed funds to the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (“FRIM”) as part of our commitment to conserve our natural rainforest. Our staff members also participated in a treeplanting activity organised by FRIM.

GHL Thailand volunteered to Beach Cleaning at Bang Sean Beach, Chonburi Province, Thailand